Tuesday, January 1, 2019

You’re obsessed with walking

We went to Ohio last weekend. I usually walk from the hotel to my daughters house (2 miles). I must’ve mentioned that and the possibility of walking somewhere else because my grandson said, “You’re obsessed with walking.”

I tried to explain the benefits of walking, but he wasn’t persuaded. “You can get in the car and be there right away. It’s just a waste of time. And so boring.”

I admit: you can arrive at your destination faster if you drive; and not much happens when you walk. He’s not wrong. So, why walk when you can drive?

Walking is good for you. He wasn’t impressed. He will be when he gets older. Although I hope he gets it before then. I’ve been taking the stairs and parking far away for a long time.

Walking is relaxing.

Walking does take a lot of time. Can’t deny that. But it’s good to be freed from the rush of modern life.

Walking allows you plenty of time to think. Thinking is good.

Walking allows you to see the world in a way you can’t see it from the car. You notice things. All kinds of things. You don’t really see your town when you’re whizzing along in your car.

But I get it. And more people agree with him than with me. I drive to more places than I walk to, and I should walk more. Am I “obsessed with walking”? No. I do walk to places more often than a lot of people, and I often park far away so I have to walk, but I’m not fanatical about it. I did walk to Anne’s house while we were there, but I didn’t make anyone else walk with me!

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