Wednesday, September 2, 2015

That Pestiferous Virginia Creeper

That Pestiferous Virginia Creeper

This morning I went around the backyard cutting down plants that I didn’t want growing in my yard. I had noticed a plant with bright green leaves growing in the grass next to a dogwood and had mowed it down a couple of times, but it came back with alarming speed. Today I decided to put an end to this and began plucking it up. It was Virginia Creeper and it had runners all through that part of the yard. I’m talking serious runners.

This is 10-12 feet long!

Earlier this summer I had pulled it out of the shrubbery and thought maybe I had taken care of it. Ha! I think all I did was make it angry and it attacked the yard with a vengeance. Here is a photo of all the runners I plucked up from the yard.

I think pestiferous is an apt description. As is pernicious and malevolent. I think it is evil. Or perhaps it is better to say it is a good illustration of evil and sin – where you see the leaf is not necessarily where it came from; it will send out a runner a long way, getting well rooted before the leaf pops up. How do you deal with it? Carefully pull up the runners until you get to the root. (I guess I could spray it with something, but since I don’t use pesticides I’m left with my method ).

I dealt with pestiferous this morning, what did you do?

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