Friday, May 4, 2018

Kenneth Copeland and my right shoulder

I began having problems with my left shoulder in the summer of 2016. I went to the doctor that fall and after physical therapy didn't work was scheduled for surgery in April 2017. While I was waiting for surgery, my pastor anointed me with oil and prayed for me. Surgery was denied by my insurance company and I took a six day regimen of oral steroids. Today my shoulder is completely free of pain, with full range of movement! I don't believe it was the physical therapy or the steroids, I believe the Lord healed my shoulder. You can read about my experience here.

That is not the end of the story. Shortly after my left shoulder was healed, my right shoulder began to bother me! Same kind of pain and same restriction of movement. It got so bad that when I was playing basketball with my grandson I couldn't even make a right-handed shot, and I'm right handed. I could only throw a baseball underhand. I didn't want to go through all this again, going to the doctor and wrestling with the insurance company, and I didn't want surgery and a year of recovery so I began to pray and ask the Lord to heal my shoulder. I prayed often, specifically, and in faith. I confess, I wasn't seeing any results, but I continued to pray and believe for healing. One Sunday I was visiting a church and after communion they offered to pray and anoint any who wanted it. I was anointed with oil and prayed for, but I still saw no improvement.

I went to bed one night and turned on the TV, so I could watch a little before falling asleep. As I was scrolling through the channel guide I noticed that on the Believers Voice of Victory Channel, which is Kenneth Copeland's Ministry channel, Kenneth Copeland himself was actually speaking. And I thought to myself, “I haven't heard Brother Copeland in a long time. I think I'll tune in.” I want to say right here, that I used to listen to Kenneth Copeland all the time on the way to school. That’s right, Brother Copeland (as he was known to those who listened to him) and Kenneth Hagin, too, and a host of others. I stopped listening to them a while ago for various reasons, but as I said, that night I decided to watch for a few minutes.

I did and there was nothing special happening, just him teaching, actually the end of his teaching time, and he closed with prayer. But as he was praying he began to speak out that the Lord was doing this and doing that and was working in the bodies of people. And all I can say is there was a change in my bedroom, the Holy Spirit came to me and it was as if he was saying, “I'm talking to you. This is for you.” So I began raising my hands and thanking the Lord; praising him out loud and accepting and receiving this work in my shoulder. And then the service was over. I thanked the Lord, turned off the TV, and went to sleep.

All I can say is, since that night the pain in my shoulder began to decrease and my range of movement increase! I began to experiment, stretching and reaching, I guess my own form of physical therapy. I’m so excited, I can once again do things I had not been able to do for months!! I can reach over my head and behind me again, I can shoot the basketball with my right hand again, I can throw a baseball overhand again. I will admit, it’s not 100% yet, but I can tell you it continues to get better and better. I praise the Lord for his touching my shoulder!

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