Friday, May 26, 2023

A Pentecost Q & A


This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. I thought a brief Pentecost Q & A would be timely.

Q What was Pentecost in the Old Testament?

A It was one of the seven seasonal feasts Israel was commanded to observe: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles (see Leviticus 23). Passover is in the Spring, this year it was April 6. Unleavened Bread was April 7-13. Pentecost (Feast of Weeks or Shavuot) is May 28, 50 days after Passover. Pentecost is from a Greek word which means 50. It is a harvest feast, marking the beginning of the harvest. They would bake two loaves of bread and the priest would “wave” them before the Lord, celebrating the first signs of harvest, as well as expressing faith in the Lord that there would be a full harvest in the fall.

Q What was Pentecost in the New Testament?

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:1-4)

As Peter explains in his sermon which followed, this was a fulfillment of the promise in the prophet Joel, “I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh…” Both John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus had spoken of being baptized with the Holy Spirit. This is it. The promise of the Father, the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Q What did the apostles say about Pentecost?

A Amazingly, nothing. Not one word. In fact, Pentecost is mentioned only two other times in the New Testament and then simply as a feast day of the Jews.

Q So, what is the significance of Pentecost?

A The feasts of the LORD are God’s prophetic calendar: Passover the death of Christ, Unleavened bread the new life in Christ, Firstfruits the resurrection of Christ. Pentecost is a foreshadowing of the great harvest; two loaves speaks of two people groups to be brought in: Jews and Gentiles. The next feast on God’s calendar is Trumpets, the second coming of Christ, which takes place in September, after a summer of harvest. This is where we are on the calendar – the summer of a worldwide harvest!

Q Is Pentecost the birthday of the Church?

A This is a very popular view today, but the answer is, No. The Bible never says this. At the very least the church of Christ began during the ministry of Jesus.

Q Is this when the disciples received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

A No. In John 20:21-22 we read: “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” Pentecost is when they were baptized with the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, received power from on high.

 Q Will the day of Pentecost be repeated?

A No. Like the cross and resurrection it was a special, significant, one-time event - the Spirit was poured out. As the old hymn says,

The Comforter has come, the Comforter has come!
The Holy Ghost from heaven, the Father's promise given;
O spread the tidings 'round wherever man is found:
The Comforter has come!
(Frank Bottome, 1890)

Q Can I experience Pentecost?

A Oh yes! Every believer in Christ is heir to the gift of the Holy Spirit, the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The prophets, the Lord Jesus, Peter, Paul, all spoke of this; and Peter and Paul are very clear – this is an experience you may know whether you have received or not.

In chapter 8 of Watchman Nee’s great book, The Normal Christian Life, he speaks of Pentecost then and now. He picks up on a statement the apostle Peter made on the day of Pentecost in his explanation of what was happening. He said, This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. Watchman Nee points out that our this needs to be and can be that. I think it is fair to ask, Is our ‘this’ ‘that’? What?? Yes, Is our this - our Christian experience – that which Joel spoke of and the apostles experienced? In other words, Are we experiencing all that the Gospel promises? As Pastor Chuck Smith said it, “We are seeing God’s last day outpouring of His Holy Spirit. You don’t have to beg God for this free gift, just accept it. Just say, ‘Lord, you promised it. Lord, I need it. Lord, I want it. Thank you, Lord, I accept it.’ The Holy Spirit is a free gift of God, you don’t have to continually beg God for Him, you have to receive Him by faith . . . If you want the baptism with the Holy Spirit, just take a deep breath and say, ‘God, I’m going to breathe in now the fulness of your Spirit’ and He will begin to fill you to overflowing.”

Q Ah, but what about speaking in tongues?

A What about it? Oh, you mean, “Do I have to speak in tongues to be filled?” To quote Pastor Chuck again, “Many times when someone is baptized with Holy Spirit, God will bless them with the gift of speaking in tongues . . . I’m not on a speaking in tongues kick. I thank God for what it means to me and I praise the Lord for it. But I don’t go around saying, ‘Oh, you have to speak in tongues – you MUST.’ You don’t have to speak in tongues; you can know the fulness of God and the fulness of His love without it. You cannot, however, experience a blessing quite like speaking in tongues unless you speak in tongues.” He goes on to say, “I believe the only true evidence of the filling and baptism with the Holy Spirit is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.”

What will it be like or feel like when we are filled with the Holy Spirit? How will we know? I have briefly mentioned speaking in tongues, but here is a story from F.B. Meyer that really speaks to the point:

A woman came to her pastor and asked if she could use the church building for the day. He asked her why and she replied, “I’m going to seek God and wait on Him until He fills me with the Holy Spirit.” So he gave her permission and she went to an upstairs room and locked herself in. About supper time she came down.

“How did it go, sister? Did God meet you? Have you been filled with the Spirit?”

With much sorrow she replied, “Alas, no. I was not filled with the Spirit.”

The pastor then asked, “Tell me, sister, how is it with you and Jesus?

Her face lit up and she answered, “Oh pastor, it has never been better. He is so sweet to my soul!”

The pastor told her, “Sister, THAT is the Holy Spirit!”



Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?

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