Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Romans 12 Clemency, Charismata, Character I

 Romans 12 Clemency, Charismata, Character

Over two weeks in June I looked at spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12-14 (if you missed it you can find it here). This week I want to go through Romans 12, what I call Clemency, Charismata, Character, also known as Mercy, Gifts, Virtues. I figure this will take three posts.


1-2 Clemency or Mercy

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God – These 10 words have an eleven chapter backstory! The first clue is therefore. Whenever you see therefore you want to stop and see what it’s there for. The second clue is the mercies of God. The first 11 chapters of Romans tell us about the mercies of God regarding salvation, sanctification, and God’s plan to include the Gentiles now and save Israel when Messiah returns. Such amazing and abundant mercy should move us, and Paul tells us in what direction we should be moved.

Present your bodies a living sacrifice – This metaphor is drawn from the Old Testament sacrifices. “They are exhorted to give themselves [as a] sacrifice; to be as wholly the Lord's property as the whole burnt-offering was, no part being devoted to any other use.”

This is an important verse for the Christian life. This is in fact, the second time Paul has urged this upon them, the first being 6:11-13. I have heard people teach that this is something we need to do at the beginning of each day, but that is definitely not what Paul is teaching. This is what we in the Christian & Missionary Alliance call a crisis experience. By crisis is meant a “defining moment”, “turning point”, “boundary marker”, “threshold”, a “distinct event” or “a moment of truth”. It is definite, distinct from
regeneration, often dramatic.” ‡ This is what Paul is urging in this verse. Have you had this crisis experience?

holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service – reasonable service of worship; it is a reasonable response to Christ giving himself for us.

be not conformed to this world – There is intense pressure to be conformed to the world, but we have been called out of the world, and should therefore be

transformed by the renewing of your mind – what I am and do begins with what I think, as my thinking is renewed, I am transformed. This complete surrender of myself to the Lord is one of the steps of renewal. Paul says in Colossians 3:10, we are “renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.” This tells me the how we are renewed - knowledge of Christ and His Word, and the goal - likeness to Christ.

that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God – this tells me two things: (1) I can know the will of God! (2) giving myself wholly to the Lord is a vital step to knowing the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God


Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest,
And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul. 
(E.A. Hoffman)

† Adam Clarke, commentary on Romans 12:1

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