Monday, November 21, 2011

On The Belief

This is one of the first things I read on my new Nook color. This is from the Writings Of The Reverend And Learned John Wickliff. I am posting this, not because it is some oddity to be gawked at, but because this is quite a statement on faith and especially because it really spoke to me as soon as I read it. 
Just a few brief notes. Belief is synonymous with faith. The belief is the faith and this section serves as an introduction to an exposition of the Apostles’ Creed. The fiend is the devil. I don’t know about the original spelling, this is pretty much the way I have it. I have made a few changes to make it an easier read, such as “bears witness” for witnesseth and shows for showeth. Finally, the loadstar is the pole star, by which mariners used to steer their course at night, before the invention of the compass.


The ground of all goodness is stedfast faith, or belief. This, through grace and mercy, is obtained of God. Faith was the principal ground that enabled the woman of Canaan to obtain health of soul and of body of Christ, for her daughter, who was evil treated of a devil, as the gospel bears witness. And the centurion was much praised of Christ for the stedfast belief that he had in the power of his Godhead. Faith is likened to the loadstar, for it shows the haven of grace to men rowing in the sea of this world. Faith is the eastern star that leads spiritual kings to worship Jesus Christ, through withstanding of sin, as the east star led three kings when Christ was born. Faith or belief is as a stone lying in the foundation of a strong building, that bears up all the work. For as the building stands stiffly that is well grounded upon a stone, so each virtuous deed is strong when it is grounded upon the solidity of belief. For upon this stone, that is, solid faith, Christ said that he would build his church, that is, man's soul. A man that hath lost his right eye is unable to defend himself in battle, for his shield hides his left eye, and so he has no sight to defend himself from his enemy ; even so he that has lost the right eye of true faith, is unable to withstand or fight against his spiritual enemy, the devil. - Saints, as St. Paul says, through stedfastness and true faith, overcame kingdoms, Heb. xi. They overcame the kingdom of their flesh through holiness of soul and body ; and the kingdom of the world by setting at naught riches ; and the kingdom of the fiend through patience and meekness. The want of stedfast faith is the chief cause why men fall into deadly sin. For if a man truly believed that soon after he committed a sin, he should lose one of his limbs, he would through that belief keep himself, and flee from that sin. How much more if he believed that God would punish him in body and soul for evermore, if he died in that sin? If man's belief and trust were firmly set in God, all fear of man, fantasies, and fear of this world, would grieve him but little, or not at all. Christ said to his disciples, that if their faith were as great as the seed of mustard, and they should say to this hill, Pass hence, it should pass ; and nothing should be impossible to them. St. Jerome says that faith is likened to the seed. If the seed be not broken, the virtue thereof is not known ; but the more it is pounded, even the stronger it smells ; even so a man who is firmly grounded in the faith, the more he is pounded by persecution, the greater and the more fervent is his belief. Thus if man's faith were as great as the mustard seed, he should remove from himself the hill of pride, and all other false deceits of the fiend.

This faith makes our souls so able to receive heavenly gifts, that we may get whatever we desire of the faithful Lord. Oh, blessed is the soul that believes right and lives well, and in well living keeps true faith. While Peter had true faith, he went upon the sea as upon dry land ; but when the firmness of his faith failed, he began to sink, and therefore Christ reproved him as of little faith. Thus it fares with us, who are staggering and unstedfast with the wind of each temptation or fear. Therefore, brethren, let us set all our belief and full trust on Him who is almighty, and not in any vain thing that may fail in any time. Trust we stedfastly that nothing may grieve us farther than He will suffer it, and all things which he sends come for the best. And let no wealth of this failing world, neither tribulation, draw our hearts from firm belief in God. Let us not put our belief or trust in charms, or in dreams, or any other fantasies ; but only in Almighty God. And let each man and woman take heed to themselves, for good living makes man to have firm belief and trust in God, and evil works draw him into despair.

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Amen! The part that I have put in bold is the part that spoke to me. Spoke? Convicted me. God forgive me for my "want [or lack] of stedfast faith."

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