Monday, June 18, 2012

The thoughts I think at night – I wonder

It was Sunday night. It was a little slow and I was getting excited about my upcoming two days off. And I got to thinking, “Wonder what it would be like to have my two days off, then wake up and find my week had gone by and it was my days off again. Then I remembered what a friend used to say, “Be careful you don’t wish your life away.” 

I’m not wishing it was so, but I got to wondering: What if I did wake up and a week had gone by, and I was at my next days off? Would I be diminished in any way? Would I have missed some personal character development? How important are 5 days of routine, mundane living? I mean, nothing big is planned for next week, or expected, just your everyday stuff. So what would I have missed? Would I be any less?

Then it got interesting. What if you could do that, just skip a week like that and evaluate how you feel, what you think, and somehow record that. THEN go back and live through that skipped week. When I once again reached my days off, I could compare how I felt and what I thought after living through that week with what I thought and how I felt after skipping it. Then I would know.

Just some of my random thoughts on a slow Sunday night.

Then some guy came and in and we got to talking about a lot of stuff, including some scientist who was sort of his hero. Turns out this scientist spent a lot of time researching “time travel”. Can you believe that? I think just like a famous scientist!

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