Friday, February 20, 2015

A jeep with no windows

Our Thursday night (my Thursday night, your Friday morning) truck came last night. One of the men asked me a question I hear two or three times a night, “Did you drive that thing tonight?” He’s referring to my Jeep. I get that or some other question/comment about how cold I will be driving home. I am well known as the guy who drives a Jeep with no windows. People think I am either crazy or the coolest guy they know. Since the latter is ridiculous, I must be crazy.

Let me explain how this all began. I’ve repeated this countless times as well. When I got the jeep from Mary K, it did have all the windows. I used to take them off for nice days and put them back on when it looked like rain. I got caught with my windows off so often that it was not unusual to have a small lake inside the jeep. I solved that by simply removing the plugs. Then a zipper on one of the back windows tore and I could no longer install it. So I stopped putting them on at all. At this point I would carry my front windows with me everywhere and put them on when it rained. Finally I just left them off and at home all the time. Unless I knew before hand that it was going to rain.

I like driving around with no windows. And you get used to it. I really enjoy the openness and feel almost trapped when I’m in another car with all the windows up. The colder it gets, the more clothes I put on. Now I only put the windows on when it is or is going to rain. As I tell people, all the time,  I don’t mind being cold but I don’t like being wet.

This morning when I got off work it was 6ยบ. That is cold and I was glad I didn’t have far to go. But I loved it! Driving down the road with fresh air and open to all around me!

Why do I drive around in my jeep with no windows? Am I trying to be cool or noticed? No way. I simply love it!

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