Wednesday, September 23, 2020

What is the kingdom of God?

Yesterday I began looking at Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. I said I was pondering What does it mean to seek the kingdom? What does it look like? How do I actually do this?

In Part 1 I considered the Context of Matthew 6:33. Here in Part 2 I ask (and try to answer!) the question, What is the kingdom of God?

I could write a book about this. Actually, people have. I could go through the New Testament and take a look at every verse in which kingdom of God appears. Both would be too long for this little blog post! Instead, I will attempt to summarize this.

First, the kingdom of God is the subject of Old Testament prophecy. Even though the Old Testament does not use that phrase, it sums up or captures the ideas presented by the prophets. John the Baptist burst on the scene preaching, Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.* Then Jesus began his ministry with the same message. What’s interesting is their Jewish audience never asked, “What are you talking about?” They understood.

Briefly stated the message of the prophets is: There is coming a day when God will restore Israel and save the Gentiles. He will do this through the coming Messiah or Christ. This is the gospel – Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ and he brought the salvation of God to the world. This is the kingdom of God. It has begun in a spiritual way now and will climax when Christ rules on the earth and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. See Luke 1: 67-79

The kingdom of God will be characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy; first in our hearts and then on the earth. See Romans 14:17

Second, Jesus Preached the kingdom, announcing that the time was fulfilled. He began by saying the kingdom was at hand, then he said it had come (Matthew 12:28) – it is already but not yet. What? Yes, it has begun spiritually in our hearts, it will be visible when he returns.

All his Teaching is about kingdom life – principles, priorities, values of the kingdom; in the sermon on the mount for example, he is setting forth how to live in the kingdom. 

His Ministry of healing and deliverance demonstrated the kingdom, that it is not a matter of words, but it is the power of God to save, heal, and deliver. See 1 Corinthians 4:20

That’s what I am to seek; that’s my priority; that’s my passion; that’s what I am to value most. Righteousness, peace, joy, and power as I live for Jesus now, eagerly anticipating his glorious appearing in the sky when he comes to establish his kingdom on the earth. 

Our Father who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. 
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Next: Savoring the things that be of God

* kingdom of heaven is the same as kingdom of God

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