Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Confession of a Christian who does not have a church

Confession of a Christian who does not have a church
I believe in Jesus but I have no church

A Facebook friend recently posted a link to an article by R.C. Sproul Jr. In this article, one of the first things he said was: If you are not under the authority of name-able specific elders, you are not part of the visible church and thus do not have a credible profession of faith. Repent, and get under authority.

Ouch! I don’t know what “name-able specific elders” means, but I say again, Ouch! I confess, I believe in Jesus, but I am not now part of a local church. But, I have a really good explanation for this. Well, maybe not really good, or even very good, but I can explain.

First, I realize I need to be in church. Yes, for the worship. Yes, for the Word. But also for the fellowship. I need this. I want this. Yet I am not in a church. Why not?

I have tried. I believe in the local church so I keep trying churches in Rock Hill. I pray and search. I search and pray. But nothing. Why? I have a better idea of what I would like to find in a church, but still no church.

I work third shift. And I work every Saturday night. Sunday morning is the end of my work week and I am tired. Flimsy, but real. The hardest part of working third shift is your first day off. I still wrestle with what to do: Do I stay up all day and fall asleep between 5 and 7 pm? Do I stay up in the morning and sleep all afternoon? Do I sleep in the morning and wake up in mid-afternoon? What a conundrum! I confess, I feel better the rest of the day when I sleep in the morning. But this is about my lack of church not my lack of sleep!

I have been to a lot of churches. I’ve walked out of really bad services and fallen asleep during boring services. I even got yelled at by one pastor for questioning him about his sermon. We did pick a church and purpose to become part of this fellowship. After church one Sunday I told my wife, Feel free to continue to attend, but I cannot go anymore. Well, she wouldn’t go without me and really felt the same way. Back to square one.

I know that my biggest problem has been that I was the pastor for so many years. I struggle with how they are doing this and teaching that. But I really think time away has helped with that.

I admit, I want a contemporary traditional church, a liturgical contemporary service, an evangelically charismatic church. Is that too much to ask? OK, that is why I was pastor! Truly,
I want to be able to worship the Lord
where the Holy Spirit is present and free
the Word is taught full and accurately
and Jesus is exalted continuously

Is the problem with the Church in Rock Hill or with me? Since this is my blog and everything else in my life and in the world is my fault, then I go with Door A. Seriously, I believe in the church and want to find one. My prayer can be summed up in two verses:

turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou art the LORD my God.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.


  1. I know it's not funny that you haven't been able to find a church, but some parts of this ARE funny. "Door A," for instance. I would go with that one, too! Partly, anyway. I think it comes to a point where you have to choose between imperfect churches. In every church we've been, including our current one, there have always been things we've had a hard time accepting. Quite honestly, the kids have anchored us to churches we might otherwise have left.

    So I don't know - maybe what you're describing is too much to ask. For certain it doesn't occur very often. I hope you find it, though!

    I question your statement that everything in your life and in the world. I think that's a teensy bit dramatic. ;-)

  2. imperfect churches - I understand that. willing to do that. Attended a few Presbyterian churches - they decided to start emphasizing infant baptism! One church, if the pastor could sit still for more than 3 minutes (popping up between EVERY single song!) that would have been ok. The one we stayed with for a while was more tired than we were and THAT is saying a lot. haha

    dramatic?? How dare you question my feelings?!? Now, I feel bad that I just yelled at you. Even worse, it's probably my fault that you have a problem with that statement... hahahaha

  3. Jeff
    You have always had a huge heart for God. I agree you blew it and have paid a high price. I do not minimize your sin- nor will I minimize the grace of God. You have been told this- but since we all have to be told several times- you need to accept God's forgiveness and move on. You remind me of the old timey church I went to that focused on guilt for motivation. If your theology does not allow you to recover from a failure- your theology sux!! ;-) That is greek for heresy. Go ahead challenge my translation ;-).

    Now that that is said- get your tail into a church and make it about someone else not you. There are no perfect churches because of imperfect people and sinful pastors- like me! When your kids were little you did a lot of stuff that you didn't like- I bet you played with their Barbie dolls! (Hopefully you no longer play with dolls.) You see, your focus was on your kids and their maturation not on what you wanted. In the end- you grew more than anyone. I have never been in a perfect church nor have I led one. But when I realize that I am a missionary- not the target- it allows me to let go of some struggles.
    Now for an Biblical metaphor ;-) - If someone speaks bad about me (and they do) I listen and sometimes change. If you tell me my kids did something wrong- I get it- their dad is not perfect. Yet- if any man speaks poorly about my wife- I will walk outside- ball up my fist- and beat the "devil" out of him in Jesus name. He would definitely not be my friend. So I often tell people who say they love Jesus but don't love what He loves and died for- really? You think you can love Jesus and talk bad about or dislike His bride?
    I do not write this to pile on the guilt- forget about where you have been- its time for a course adjustment my friend! By the way if you do find the perfect church- don't attend- your imperfect self will ruin it. I love you bro- I did your wedding to Mary Margarette MacDonald - I know- I got it wrong then too. Give Mary my love!!

    Love you man

  4. Now, I'm so overwhelmed with guilt it may take another month just to recover!!!
    And just to remind you, brother, I have been stop playing with dolls and am mostly successful :-)
