Friday, November 4, 2016

Two kinds of fire

This is the fire pit in my back yard. Monday morning I enjoyed a fire as I watched the day dawn. There were three logs then, the two on either side and another one at the back, forming a kind of pit. As you can see, that one is gone. I built the fire up against it, the log caught fire and continued to burn when the rest of the wood was gone. The flowers were from the arrangement I gave Mary for her birthday. They were old so I set them against the smouldering log, hoping they would catch fire. They did not burn, but the log did. When I saw that this morning, I thought, “There are two kinds of fire.”


Yes, two kinds of fire.

One kind of fire affects only you. It is real enough, and hot enough, as evidenced by ashes being the only remains of the log, but only the log was burned. It did not and would not spread, despite my attempts to get it to flame up and engulf the flowers.

Another kind of fire ignites everything around it. That was the kind of fire I started with. It was burning, and as I added wood it engaged that wood and burned it as well. This kind of fire affects you and others around you.

And now the application – Is the fire of heavenly love burning in my soul? If so, which kind of fire is it?

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