Friday, April 22, 2011

The kind of thoughts I think at night

Working nights you don’t usually get a rush of people, although there are those times. What you mostly get is one at a time. A person will come and leave. Right as they leave another will pull up. It’s most frustrating when they wait until you have just made it around the side of the building on the way to the dumpster, even worse, get to the deep recesses of the cooler and someone will walk in. This is repeated all night long.

One of my daughters was talking about a friend who had said a certain family was “very strict.” My daughter said, “No, my parents were strict. When we started working we were not allowed to get a job that had us work on Sundays. Or Wednesday nights.” That would be us. Would I do it differently now? Nope. We wouldn’t allow them to participate in sports activities that would regularly have them out of town. I took seriously the charge of training them in the way they should go and recognized that they, as beautiful as my girls all were and are, had a natural tendency to wander. So I felt I had to instill values.

People stay up all night. Why, I wonder, is it so wonderful to stay awake all night?

I have noticed that many people have no restraint. No self-restraint, anyway. Remove the outer restrain of work or school and it is non-stop revelry. That’s why 3 day weekends are such benders – the restraints have been lifted. One fellow came in last night about 4:30. He comes in all the time and drinks a prodigious amount of beer. He said, “I’ve  been up for 21 hours. It’s my buddy’s birthday and we have been drinking all night long. It’s sad, I’m so tired I had to quit so I could go to bed.”

Somewhere between 3:30 and 4:00 am I had a fellow come in and go to the rest room. (Not unusual, I see  people all night just looking for a rest room.) He came out and said, “Do you sell single condoms?” I told him we used to but that now we only had packs of three. He replied, “Just my luck” and left. Immediately after he left a girl came in the same door. Even at 4 am I am sharp enough to know they are together. I suppose she thought she could use her feminine charm on me. “Do you sell single condoms?” Not letting on that I know they are together, I said, “No. We do have the three pack.” “No single condoms??” (I am now thinking that she is hoping I will yield to her smile and tear open a package for her). “No, ma’am. We do have the three pack for $4.27.” Her totally shocked reply, “$4.27 for safe sex???” I don’t tell her what I am thinking, That’s a deal compared to the cost of having and raising a child or getting an STD. She left absolutely shocked that because she wanted to have safe sex there were no free condoms. I predict that very soon there will be a major push to have free distribution of condoms just so people can have safe sex whenever they want.

If evolution is true, then we are the product of blind chance. There is no meaning, no purpose, no goal. Nothing is wrong, nothing is evil. It may be currently socially unacceptable, but it can’t be wrong. To speak of slavery as evil would be a joke – is it evil for the ants who capture and enslave other ants? Moral outrage? Based on what? Justice? Is there justice among dogs? Nope, the strong survive and rule. Of course, we DO have a built in sense of justice and right and wrong because evolution is NOT true. We were created in the image of God. As I thought about this I wrote a short poem:

for there to be death there must be life
for there to be wrong there must be right
say what you want, and say what you would
for there to be evil there must be good

Of course, the life, right and good would be God!

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