Saturday, January 19, 2013

Why I needed to find a church

When I started my blog I made a couple of posts about my search for a church. I had a few responses to them. One brother, a pastor down in Florida, made vague threats of physical violence if I didn’t find one quickly! (I wasn’t really worried. I mean, he is in Florida and doesn’t know where Rock Hill is.) Someone else told me that I didn’t need to find a church or go to one for that matter. This person also sent me an e-mail saying they had attended a Bible study, learned the Bible and didn’t need church anymore. THAT scares me.

Since then I’ve found a church. Actually, I became a member of that church, without even applying and much to my surprise. That is a different story. But…

Why do I need church? I’ve been born again, Spirit-filled, studied the Bible and know it pretty good. I have taught nearly every book in it, and what I don’t know I am able to study and find out. Can’t I say I’ve graduated from church? No. Nope. Or as the Apostle says, μη γενοιτο (God forbid / By no means! / Certainly not! let it not be! – pick one)

So why do I need the Church? Well, Jesus built it - this is why He came. Jesus loves the church and gave himself for it - I love Jesus but I don’t love what he loves? This is what Jesus is doing in this age – I am a follower of Jesus but I am not interested in what he is doing?

The church is the pillar of truth. Now, I’ve read the Bible from lid to lid and have a fair grasp of it, but I can still be taught. And more importantly, I can be reminded, and exhorted, and encouraged in the Truth.

The church is called a body, a temple, a family. Am I, by myself, the whole body? The entire temple? The complete family? Now that is a stupid question! Even if I am the center of the universe, then I need to be in a church so that they can be blessed by my contribution. Ah, but then I need to be in church so I can be blessed by their contribution. You see, I have exercised several gifts, but not all. I have a ministry, but not every one. I am not the whole. I am only one very small part. I need the other brothers and sisters.

Another aspect of church life, of community, is the one anothers. One thing that church provides is fellowship and accountability. This is a fundamental part of the Christian life. Without this I am playing a game at best and deceiving myself at worst. If anyone thinks living an unconnected life is normal and biblical, they clearly do not know the Bible nearly as well as they think they do.

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves. If I am not a part of a local fellowship, how can I do this? Or this, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Not obeying is known as disobedience. Disobedience is called sin. I do not want to live in sin.

That’s why I was looking for a church. And now I have found one. Is it everything I would look for in a church? No. Are they doing everything like (I think the Bible says) they should? No. Maybe I can help them. Maybe I can contribute something to them. Maybe. But they will definitely contribute toward my growth, Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. And, For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established [strengthened]; That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. The point being, he had something to contribute to them and something to be gained from them.

That’s why I needed to find a church.

1 comment:

  1. Jeffery
    Glad to heat it bro! Nice post. My personal discovery about the local church is- as long as flawed leaders lead- it will have its flaws. I know- I am lead pastor at a church that is flawed- in big part - because I am. So lets continue to meet and live on as trophies of God's grace! Hope to see you in this next year!

    God's Best
    Your pastor friend from FL,
    The guy who officiated your wedding
    and chief of sinners in Tampa!
