Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Jesus Army

I cannot remember how I discovered them. One day, a couple of years ago, I came across a phrase that intrigued me, Modern Jesus Army. Maybe because I recall the Jesus Movement, with Jesus People and Jesus Freaks. Anyway, I began to look into this Jesus Army, which is based in England. I was impressed with what I found.

This is from the About Us section of their web site:
The Jesus Fellowship Church, which is also known as the Jesus Army and includes the New Creation Christian Community, upholds the historic Christian faith, being reformed, evangelical and charismatic. It practises believer’s baptism and the New Testament reality of Christ’s Church; believing in Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the full divinity, atoning death and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the Bible as God’s word, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit.

This Church desires to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over and in His Church; and, by holy character, righteous society and evangelical testimony to declare that Jesus Christ, Son of God, the only Saviour, is the way, the truth and the life, and through Him alone can we find and enter the kingdom of God.

This church proclaims free grace, justification by faith in Christ and the sealing and sanctifying baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The Jesus Fellowship upholds the historic creeds of the Christian faith: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed.

I then downloaded their book, Fire In Our Hearts (which you can read or download here), which tells the story of their early years as a pretty old, small, traditional Baptist church in a town called Bugbrooke. In 1969 this little Baptist church was mightily impacted by the charismatic renewal and (over the years) grew into the Modern Jesus Army!

Since then I have begun to follow them on facebook and to follow several of their blogs. I have even become fb friends with one of their big-wigs (he’s humble and denies he is a big wig!)

What do I find so impressive about the Jesus Fellowship Church?

They “uphold the historic creeds of the Christian faith: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed.” If you have read very many of my posts you know this is really important to me.

They are very evangelistic and reach out to all people

They are for the kingdom of God and stand against the current, corrupt culture. Against the everybody does it and we have always done it this way kind of living. When the culture does not line up with the kingdom, they attack it! As one of their pastors expressed it:

“Living for Jesus is about the never-seen-before, not the always-been-there; it’s a journey of discovery into what’s on its way, what’s coming in, what is destined to be.
It’s about the new, not the old.”

They are truly charismatic. They have not gone the way of so much of the charismatic renewal here in the States, I mean this prosperity teaching. It is so refreshing and challenging to read about believers who expect and experience great things from God!

They emphasize intentional Christian Community. I saw their most recent introductory video and in it they say that one fourth of their members live in community. This means, several people live together in one house and I think that means pretty much pooling their resources. A modified form of a commune. They have all things common. I have often thought about that and wondered if I could do this. They come just short of saying this is the only way to go, the truly best way to go, but they do emphasize this was the original way to go. But they are so far removed from the materialism of western culture and even, of western Christians. This is challenging and refreshing.

They also emphasize and promote celibacy. Naturally, they strongly encourage those who take the vow of celibacy (Yes, a vow!) to live in community. They are not making monks or monasteries, but encouraging complete devotion to the Lord and service to people. Many years ago I began teaching single believers to know their gift, married or celibate, but they are the first non-Catholic group I have come across who has successfully promoted this.
I follow a blog from right here in the States that says it is “Bringing focus to the single years.” Again, I’m not sure how I found them or why I signed up to follow them (or why I continue to follow). But I have noticed, they are in constant angst over their single status and always wondering/worrying about dating and if they will ever find someone to marry. In stark contrast to this is the celibacy emphasis of the Jesus Fellowship Church. You can read about it here. I tell you, this is powerful!

I will admit, I only know them from afar. I see their best side, that which they want me to see. I’ve not heard any of their preaching or teaching. After all, they are in England and I am not! Once or twice I have read something that concerns me. Nevertheless, I really like what I see and read.

I like the Jesus Fellowship Church of England and I yearn for something like that here where I live.

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