Monday, August 12, 2013

On teaching Sunday School

I was asked to teach the combined Sunday School class over the summer. I have two more weeks left. I think it has gone well, but I'm happy to report there will be no surveys at the end!

I am very grateful for the opportunity. The elders and the church have been very gracious. I am especially thankful for Pastor Todd and his willingness to pursue this. He let me address the church, resume attending the church, and then he pursued and promoted this opportunity for me. He has only attended a few times, but he did say at least I wasn’t teaching anything heretical!

I decided on the Sermon on the Mount. So, how has it gone? I have really enjoyed it! I have explained a couple of times that I was not attempting a detailed explanation of the sermon, I just wanted to hear the voice of Jesus and share with them the joy and challenge of hearing the teaching of kingdom life as if it was for the first time. I have been blessed and hope the brethren have as well.

I have noticed one thing. I am completely out of the pattern/habit of teaching every week. I would teach one Sunday and before I knew it, it was Thursday and I had to do it again! So different than thinking about it at work. At work, I can think about it whenever I want to and have time. I can skip a couple of nights, or a week and return, no pressure. But not when you are teaching a SS class. Every week they expect you to show up. And be prepared! But that rhythm is returning. Oh wait, this is Monday night. I better take another look at Matthew 7…

As I said, my time is quickly coming to an end. August 25 in fact. Two more weeks. Would I like to do this again? Yes. For sure. Maybe an epistle, or an Old Testament book, or maybe a series on The Faith. But there is another thing I would like.

Yeah, I would like to preach again. That has been added to my prayer list. I have mentioned this in another post: I am willing to have assigned, supervised preaching opportunities. That is, Pastor assigns me a verse, or part of a verse, or passage, or topic and asks me to preach on that, while he is there. I don’t know what he thinks about that or if he would do it. Or if he just wants to afford me (numerous, regular) opportunities. That would be great too!

I’m not pushing. Really. Although Todd did ask me, “What do you want to do?” I am thankful for this opportunity. And if it comes again, I will gladly do it again.

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